View and Basic analysis


Enter the app into compare mode image collecting phase. Followed by a number HK, you
must select only images that have common dimension (width x height).
You can compare up to 6 images at once by default (mutable, see Config File section).
The ending image should be entered twice (or if 6 is reached then compare mode will
start automatically).
Irrelevant images selection will be ignored. Re-entering <c> (or ESC) while in
collection phase will cancel it and return to the last FI (single view).
The right-most caption in the status-bar will be lit with ‘C’ when in comparison mode.
Note that if you’re a mouse-fandom, you can select each image from the Window menu
one by one (simply replaces the direct HK approach).

<C> / <cc>

Depending on the current FI (focus-image), will try to auto-collect all opened images
that share the FI dimensions.


Valid only in Compare mode. Switches the view into Layer mode (L again/ESC toggles back
to SBS compare mode). This allows noticing visual changes by quick-selecting different
images in the comparison party. Entering HK (1..N) while in layer mode, will select a
FI. In the image’s tab panel, you will see its left-to-right ordering for HK usage.
Hovering the mouse over HK will switch to it, allowing quick catch of visual


Activate Grid mode (visible from zoom-factor 5+). Grid mode also enables tracking of
a certain pixel.
The features status-bar caption will be lit with ‘G’ when in grid mode.


Activate Pixels Value mode (visible from zoom-factor 15+). Will display Hexa/Decimal
pixel values depending on the current hexa/decimal view mode (see Hexa display).
The features status-bar caption will be lit with ‘V’ when in pixel-view mode.


Toggle the display type of pixels values between Hexadecimal and Decimal (default).
The right-most status-bar caption will be lit with a ‘X’ mark.


Toggles Coordinate Tracking mode which draws a 2 lines projecting the X/Y axis.
The right-most status-bar caption will be lit with a ‘T’ mark.


Toggles Coordinate Offset display mode in Tab caption. The offset is simply the linear
index of a <X,Y> coordinate in an image (logic). Useful when debugging/viewing binary
raw data. The right-most status-bar caption will be lit with a ‘O’ mark.


Jump to coordinate command. After entered, the status bar will prompt for your
destination coordinate. Syntax is X Y (while the last space serves as “goto” command).
You can use reverse indexing (so -1 -1 is the last pixel). Use Tab to iterate all
previously “visited” coordinates. ‘C’ will clear this list. ~ will iterate the list
while actually “visiting” the points. ‘R’ will iterate (and record) all ROI (if active)
corner points (CW order, starting at Top-Left). Ctrl-V will paste coordinate that was
copied via the Copy-Pixel command.
Handy feature to pseudo-bookmark your work locations or find isolated points that are
hard to pin-point via the scrolls.